Off the Record: February Edition

Phil hasn't seen his shadow, folks!

It’s hard to know what you want to do. We scroll away our days watching other people express themselves. Nowadays anyone can do it. It’s a blessing and a curse, really. We have to watch and listen to anyone. That entails drastic quality differences. Which makes it harder to develop good taste.

How would you know what’s great when you’re constantly exposed to all this noise?

I’m lucky to be old. Old enough, anyway. I grew up without a phone, without the internet and especially without streaming. Great story, pops.

Yeah, yeah, but hold on a sec. You know what’s wrong with streaming?

Of course you know. It doesn’t pay us shit. But that’s not even what I’m talking about today. No. You listen to a song, and then the mighty algorithm will play you another one. A different artist, yes, but a very similar sound. The chord progression might even be the same. And then another one, a little different again, but still so very close. So on, and so forth.

C’est terrible. No real discovery happens this way.

Real taste is violent. You need to hate something to be able to love something else. They’re two sides of the same coin.

I remember hearing RATM for the first time. I remember hearing Teen Spirit for the first time. Or that break on I Want You (She’s So Heavy). My first Eminem on the radio. It ain’t just memories. I vividly remember how I felt. It was a physical reaction. The whole of me going Wait, what...?

These days, many care more about the idea of being an artist, a creator, than about the art itself. That’s all kinds of wrong, pal. It’s not about being this cool, sensitive outcast type. It never was.

It’s about making things. That’s the fun part. The rest is only a chain reaction. I sometimes see people on socials with thousands of followers, and they don’t even have a song out yet. Pardon my French, but what the fuck?

My advice? Cut yourself off of social media. Okay, too harsh. It’s still a powerful marketing tool. Fine. Then don’t rely on it for discovering new music.

Ditch the playlists. Ask people for music recommendations. Yes. The old way. Listen to the same record over and over and over and over again. Like you only have this one to play (yes, that was the reason). Become obsessed with a note, a break, the way a singer pronounces a single word.

Get crazy. Develop your own taste. Only then will you be able to produce something truly unique.

Time to switch it up.

Lighting is everything (see what I did there?) What the hell does it have to do with music production, you ask?

Whether we like it or not, we humans are visual creatures. Lighting affects our mood tremendously. I’m infamous for recording in almost complete darkness at times. One tiny bedside table lamp in the whole big live room.
I see it as a shortcut to feeling deeper. I get in the mood faster, and create something different.

Next time you’re rushing to hit Record, slow down and try to set a mood that matches the song.


Today we are listening to this little gem from Florida.

Yes, I know what you’re thinking. No need to say it out loud. Let’s put a pin on it for a minute, because the production is lovely. Minimal and organic, yet very rich, very 90s indie. The lyrics offer a great, modern twist. Add the video and you get a real mood.

It’s a nice reminder that simple still does it. Don’t pay attention to trends. Does this song sound like it was released in 2021? Yet, it has a couple million plays on YouTube alone.

Stop overthinking it. If you like a certain sound, go for it. If it feels good deep down, dive even deeper.

From the Vault

Like what you read? Explore longer articles on my blog. Today’s pick: Is Simplicity Overrated?

Fare Thee Well

We often overlook the small things. But little habits, repeated every single day, can have a huge impact over our lives. We like to plan ahead, look into the future and feel in control. But the truth is, there’s only today.

What can you do in the next five minutes to make your day better? Can you do it again tomorrow?

Did you enjoy this edition? Hit reply & let me know! Suggestions are welcome! If you tell me what you wanna read, I might just write it.