Off the Record - July Edition

The quiet, deadly ticking of a thousand hungry clocks...

You should be more daring.

Strike that, we all should. Ever heard of Kris Kristoffersen?

He once landed a helicopter on Johnny Cash’s front yard to play him a song.

Yes, you read that right. A fuckin’ chopper. On the grass lawn of the Man In Black. And just because he had a song he thought Cash should sing.

Guess what? Cash sung it. He loved the song. It became one of his biggest hits. It’s called A Boy Named Sue. Yes.

I’m well aware that we don’t all have access to our own chopper on a daily basis. Hell, even renting one’s quite a b*tch, if you’ve ever tried. And then you need to do your homework. Find the address of the person you’re obsessed with, make sure there’s enough clearance to land the damn thing, etc.

These days, it could be called stalking, by the way. And it’s a fast-track lane to getting a restraining order. At best.

Alright. It was a different time, I’ll give you that. But the principle stands.

Stop being so scared. Take a leap already. Make that move you’ve been contemplating. Think outside the box. Present your ideas to people in a different way. Then ask them for what you want.

They’re not mind readers. And quite often in life, if you don’t ask, you don’t get.

Be more daring. We’ll all be dead quite soon anyway.

But then again, what do I know…

In and out, and in again.

Ever heard of the law stating that once an instrument enters a song, it needs to stay until the end? Yeah, me neither.

Yet, we tend to do it quite often. Even worse, we’ll loop this part without a second thought.
Ins and outs are allowed. This is not one of those gigs where the bouncer won’t let you back in after a smoke. If you’re not sure if the part needs to stay, then it has to go. Simple.

Think of it as being a guest at a party. You’re an interesting cat, everyone is glad when you walk through the door. You’re chatting people up, grabbing a couple of drinks, having a lovely time. But you need to plan your exit.

No one wants you to stay all night. You don’t want to be the bloke who throws up in the loo and passes out on the sofa, do you?
Don’t overstay your welcome. Leave them wanting more, not hoping they had seen less.

The same rule applies here. Leaving a great part in for too long will kill its impact. Cut it out. And maybe bring it back later. It will feel a lot more satisfying.


I discovered Noga Erez in 2017, and I’ve been amazed ever since. Her studio work, produced by her brilliant partner Ori Rousso, sounds very contemporary. Catchy, bass-heavy, danceable music, but with deeper lyrics than you’d expect.

But here’s where it gets good: they’re tracking live sessions of their songs with wonderful musicians. New arrangements and live performances? Brass section and backing vocals? Oh, and did I mention that they’re tight as fuck?

I cannot think of a better demonstration of how pop music can (and should) still be played by people in a room.

Must be lonely at the top, guys.

Fare Thee Well

As July is settling in, my pulse is slowing down. Summer was never meant to be the most active time of the year. Over the next two months, I’ll try hard to only work on the things that matter.

I encourage you to do the same. It’s a great time to pick what’s important, then doubling down on it. It will make a difference by the time September comes around.

Hit reply and let me know what you need to be working on this summer season. I’ll hold you accountable.

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